hEDS, MCAS, GP, POTS mob mentality?

Then this might be a sign to find a doctors that actually listens and believes their patient. Because do you have flares so severe you end up in anaphylaxis after weeks of trying to control it? If not, you are lucky. my entire spring and fall seasons revolve around avoiding exercise, outdoors, pollen, scents, etc. and It took 30 years to be diagnosed with MCAS that I had been exhibiting since a month after birth. It took 48 years to realize I have hEDS. I mean the Raynaud’s, erythromelegia, rosacea, and MCAS was enough but the constant torn ligaments in my ankles , broken ankle and Surgeries wasn’t a clue either. But the fact I have two cousins with classic EDS, and my sister who played jump rope with her arms....should have been.

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