Guys with facial hair: Do you have problems with shaving and/or growing facial hair?

I usually have a lot of scruff because I hate shaving! It’s possible for me to shave more than three times a week, but it’s a bit of a process and takes longer and so I don’t. I relearned how to shave a few years ago, here’s the process...

Fist thing to do is get the hair wet and warm. Best time to shave is after a shower because it takes a while for the hair to get saturated. After stepping out, I’ll put some hair conditioner on my beard and let it sit for a few minutes. Then I’ll get it wet again and use shaving cream. This next part I had to see someone else do and I realized I’d been doing it wrong, so hopefully I can describe it. But for the shaving, I found I wasn’t pressing hard enough or going slow enough. Press the razor flat into the skin and pull down on the direction it grows. But go slow, you need time for the hair to get into the razor. Should be able to get it so you don’t have to keep going over the same area. I used to just hack at everything and I’m surprised my Adam’s apple isn’t all scar tissue. Make sure you have cold water on the razor. Squirt your razor with rubbing alcohol after you’ve rinsed the blade for the last time, this helps keep the blade sharp and disinfects it. Rinse your face well, and dab dry, don’t rub. This is a lot of extra attention, but try to be gentle along the way. If you’re still getting zits, try some micellar water on a cotton ball and gently wipe your face after rising with cool water.

/r/ehlersdanlos Thread