Not only is she a pornstar, but apparently she's also a motivational speaker!

If she was a true hero, she would have just asked for his address. I've been thinking about this sort of thing for a while and the Sophist in me is trying to clutch at some straws. It's the whole Prince and Pauper scenario that fascinates me. In the mirror I'm a Prince, out there a Pauper. If someone see's a Prince in me, they've missed the Pauper. Maybe it the whole Groucho Marx thing about 'I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member' and their is also a Nietszche quote that is similar - 'Discovering that one is loved in return really ought to disenchant the lover with the beloved. 'What? this person is modest enough to love even you? Or stupid enough? Or-or-”. I mean it is only a paradox for logic, not for feeling. And don't even get me started on the eternal...

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