So is the entire communist manifesto is on Pornhub because it’s *our* porn?

How did this go from a joke between some reddit users to a economical deviate between capitalism and communism? Oh well, might as well jump on the bandwagon...


While I am a capitalist, I do believe in some way communism would possibly work under specific conditions. in no way am I endorsing one being better than the other, however I will state some flaws and benefits in both:

1) communism can work in small communities. For instance, a small mountain town in an already self-sufficient country can be bettered by communism, as early societies had done before it is essentially “if you make bread all day for the rest of the community, they can make goods and services for you in return” thus keeping debts out of the way, and allowing true equality in labor/trade. However, when one person believes they are under appreciated the whole system can come crashing down if the problem is not addressed head on. This also can only work if the government in that area is more of a parliament style system in which the whole town, or representatives of the districts (such as food, housing, maintenance, etc.) get together and fix the potential problems.

2) Communism can lower gender inequality problems, as everyone can get paid the same amount, while this does make some more important jobs like doctors seem underpaid, it is a small price to pay for the sanctity to not hear people bitch about how one side is using their double standard advantages to get this and that. A good example of the gender barrier being broken by communism is WWII snipers. In WWII, women were actually better snipers than the men because they could be patient. Nowadays women in the military is an already common practice, but back in the 40s and 50s women in America weren’t allowed to fight, so they built the tanks and planes in factories that shipped out to the troops (hence why Rosie riveter “we can do it” posters are so popular among women workers).

3) Capitalism works if properly monitored, while America isn’t the best example of capitalism, Denmark is. America, in my personal opinion as an American, is a war economy country. We advance through technology, escape (but create) horribly insane amounts of debt, and even tear down societal/ economical/ political/ racial/ religious barriers when our country is at a full on war with another. Yes, our isolationist behavior does create some tension with the citizens of the country we’re fighting as we think they’re more dangerous than they are, which can be considered understandable given the way Americans are raised to believe whatever their parents taught them. As some of the commenters stated, capitalism is difficult to manage due to fluctuations in the stock market, major overproduction of certain goods (foods), not enough of another good (gasoline), with these factors, America can’t be self-sufficient, for if we cut off ties with some of our allied countries, we risk a collapse in the markets, causing a 3rd Great Depression. A modern example of isolationist behavior in America is trump’s wall. by cutting off the county, America can gain more employment in American citizens, but the important jobs that Americans don’t want (the dangerous, disgusting, demeaning, poor-paying jobs) will soon be understaffed, leading to a decline in national morale.

4) Saying “Capitalism just works” is not necessarily true. America is not solely capitalism based. We are socialists capitalists, meaning the people and government try to look out for each other without the other getting too powerful, or too rowdy.

5) Fascism and Capitalism are two different ideologies, but scary similarities are found. Fascism is the conservation of the separation of the upper and lower classes. Capitalism is ( in Lamens terms) the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, thus widening the economic gap. Communism is the exact opposite of both Ideologies, as it wants to eliminate the lines drawn in the sand by the upper 1% members to allow the lower class to become middle class, and to drag the upper class back to the reality that money is not unlimited.

Now In these instances, there are bound to be more flaws and benefits I haven’t listed. But I’m tired, I have to work a double-shift tomorrow, and my phone is almost dead so I’m not gonna go into all the details I can.

Goodnight all redditors -

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