The "NXT rebranding" and the stupidity of the internet communities

Yeah the same people whining about NXT's Rebrand are the exact same people who refused to watch NXT - after watching it religious for years on end - then are screaming about how it's gonna change and how everyone gets called up and burried like Kross.

But those specific Fans went out of their way to tell Vince and Bruce that they don't consider anyone in NXT a star - they didn't watch the show, so therefore the Wrestlers didn't draw them in and such aren't stars. So why wouldn't they be burried? The fanbase they were specifically hired to draw in refused to watch them, why the hell would anyone else want too then?

It's completely crazy and delusional. Of course NXT is gonna get rebraded, of course they're not gonna keep hiring indy guys, the people lost their jobs in a Pandemic - which is another thing why would Nick Khan keep Braun and Bray on big contracts when he has a Tiwtter Feed full of Fans whining about how terrible they are for years on end? That matters now by the by - the Smarks went out of their to tell WWE that none of the Indy Darlings are draws and shouldn't have TV Time wasted on them.

You reap what you sew, you refuse to watch the people you demanded get hired, then why would they get TV Time or be winners?

These people, the Smarks, aren't Wrestling Fans, they just hate WWE.

/r/Wreddit Thread