The oceans are warming faster than climate models predicted. Going back to 1970, we find that the upper 700-meter water layer temperature has increased approximately 0.3°C (approximately 0.55°F).

My rural county provides a great deal of food for people in cities. Until cities can produce enough food to support the people living there, you need us to live where we live.

If my town gets cut off from the rest of the world, we would be able to feed ourselves and survive better than most people in apartments in a city. We have building materials (rock and lumber), food and water.

Several people in town turn animal fur and wool into clothing as a hobby, and we have gravel and lumber that can be hauled by horses and carts (which we already have here). Others provide metal fabrication, welding services, carpentry and mechanic skills.

If my area is cut off from power, fuel and other supplies, I'd miss medication, the Internet and the electricity that makes it easy to get water out of my well. I live close to a canal and within walking distance of a river, so we'd figure something out for getting water to my house. Maybe we'll figure out a way to manually get water out of my well.

I could probably barter to get goats and chickens from friends. I'd have to plant more in my garden. We already have canning equipment and jars.

I'm on a septic system so would be okay for waste disposal (for several years anyway before having to dig a hole and build an outhouse).

I have a large library, including books that tell how to make water wheels, windmills, wood lathes (not just how to use one but how to make one), etc. I'm not a prepper, but old how-to books have been interesting to me.

Basically we'd live like my great-grandparents did in isolated small villages many years ago (except we'd likely have to take turns using guns to guard our town and homes against desperate thieves from cities).

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