ode to the mets is the band's most beautiful song

I definitely think it’s up there, but like another comment said mine switch up so much because I’m just constantly listening to The Strokes.

I will say tho Julian has always had lyrics that I feel are so relatable to whoever hears them. In their early days there was a lot of simplicity to it, but he’s definitely advanced.

I think Ode is so beautiful and heartbreakingly sad because that last verse talking about a breakup (to me) when he says “…the bottom of the ocean, now it swallows the only thing that’s left is us, so pardon the silence that you’re hearing it’s turning into a deafening painful, shameful roar” is so relatable to my last breakup with someone I really loved.

To be so pushed to the ends of a relationship that you both see is falling apart, unable to repair it, hoping just love holds it together (almost never does) until you’re left with nothing but silence. I just remember we would be arguing and one of us would say something and near the end…I mean what could you say that hasn’t been said? Both of you sitting in a painful awkward silence as what you’ve built all those years finishes its crumble to the foundation.

I’m going off on a tangent here but I definitely agree it’s up there for their most beautiful songs and I love how relatable all their discography can be.

/r/TheStrokes Thread