[Off-Site] Anon verifies that burning jet fuel can melt steel

Okay, for real now.

Yes I do. It is honestly why not open for discussion (anymore) and just sarcastically counterjerk. You can not have a rational discussion about this subject with about 70% of the public. People on both sides will ignore counterpoints and only listen to what fits their own narrative.

I am not one of those "The jews did it!" people. I do however think there is a lot more to the story than anybody "knows". I am pretty sure that even most people involved don't know the whole truth. I am just sick and tired of having an open mind and being equated with schizophrenics. The "tin foil hat" horse has also been beaten to a fine powder.

I just find it... weird that 3 buildings could collapse in the fashion they did and everybody seemingly is ignoring what happened at the pentagon and what happened with Flight 93.

I find it not only bizarre, but quite frankly highly disrespectful that we sent the rubble which still contained humain remains off to china to be reprocessed.

I find it hard to believe that a passport which was on board of the plane could survive heat that could even melt steel beams. There just are a lot of things that do not add up.

With that said... I do not know if it was a false flag or what the information is that is being retained. I also do not claim to know it. I personally do not believe that it was a false flag, but more a "lets just let it happen" type of scenario. That is just my gut feeling though. On the topic of group think, please be aware that it does not only apply to the "crazy people".

I am not angry with the people who have a different opinion than me either and will gladly listen to their points. I read the picture that OP posted and while I have not had a chemistry class in quite a while, it does sound about right. A few years ago, I would have double checked it myself and gotten out my chemistry books from school. I honestly don't believe it is even worth it anymore at this point though as I actually try to distance myself from conversations like the one we are currently having.

I AM however bitter about people implying I have a mental illness (full disclosure: I actually do, it is not relevant however as its depression) just for pointing out that a third building also collapsed. I am angry that people lump me together with people who believe we never landed on the moon, that planet x is a thing, that all high ranking state officials are "lizards" etc. etc. etc.

Having a literally insane brother makes me even angrier that people use insanity as an insult to silence views that oppose their world view.

Another thing that bugs me is that people used to call me crazy for the spying. I never said that sattelites where constantly monitoring people or any of that nonsens. I literally just pointed out the very real possibilty that the government is probably installing backdoors into our infrastructure and wiretaps us. I was met with exactly the same vitriol and people tried to silence my opinion. As soon as the NSA leaks came out however, suddenly everybody knew that we were being spied on from the very beginning. Often the same people who had called me crazy just a year prior. Talk about group think.

tl;dr I literally am insane for thinking critically and deserve all the insults that get slung at me from both sides.

/r/theydidthemath Thread Link - i.imgur.com