[Official] Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers First Listen Impressions

This album could’ve been so great without the pop and trap influences, like we already had that on damn, why would he step away for 5 years to act like he’s gonna bring back music that’s changing the game, when Baby Keem produced half of the tracks and screams over all of them practically like how is the a new sound wave it’s basically Baby keems album just Kendrick featured.

The only songs that actually have potential and were really good

*United in Grief *Worldwide Steppers *We Cry Together *Mother I Sober *Auntie Diaries * Crown *Mr Morale Father Time *Mirror *N95 (Baby Keem didn’t have to be all over it)

Least Favourite

*Die Hard (Amanda Reifer not for me)

*Rich Spirit (Country Kendrick not for me)

*Purple Hearts (Summer walker big fat nope)

*Silent Hill (Chorus not for me)

*Savior (Baby Keem made no input to this)

(I personally didn’t enjoy the nepotism to his cousin, nor the cringy girl singers next time stick with the like of Beth gibbons who can actually sing or Taylour Page who ain’t even a rapper and she bodied that shit, but then Baby Keem hopping on a song whining with his pathetic ass voice and shitty lyrics no thank you)


/r/KendrickLamar Thread