Official Patch 12.20 LT Nerfs. 50/75 (Melee/Ranged) >>> 50 all. Thoughts?

Imo this doesn't kill LT on Kalista but its clearly not the default rune choice anymore for her in every game. The biggest upside of LT was its bonus range for ranged and now its flat for both melee and ranged (huge nerf).

She is only a 525 range marksman with no in-built range enhancers or insane gap closers which is why going from 525 > 600 was exactly what she needed. Now that it only goes from 525 > 575, she doesn't even get in range with the majority of her worst matchups even when LT is fully stacked (e.g. Ashe is 600, Caitlyn is 650, Tristana is 661 etc).

The problem is with HoB's abysmal 44% winrate in solo Q atm, I don't even know if swapping to HoB in these matchups is the correct choice here considering the direction of season 13.

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