Oh My Fucking God, Get the Fucking Vaccine Already, You Fucking Fucks

Where I work, a dozen people have had it within the last week who were unvaxxed and are completely fine. Since we are speaking of anecdotes, the sickest person I work with is “triple vaxxed”

I’m sorry for anyone who has lost someone to this. But it’s not the fault of the “unvaxxed.” If it was, the deaths of everyone before your vaccine are on you

If you want more people to be vaccinated, try not being a pretentious jackwagon about it. That’s less directed at you, who has been relatively polite, and more toward people who wish death upon people because they won’t lock-step to the nearest Walgreens with a health decision. I make decisions about my health after weighing risks and talking to MY doctor (not some cuck jackoff on Reddit who goes by something dumb like “digitalphilanges69420). I CERTAINLY don’t give a shit what the president wants to force upon me - Biden or otherwise.

/r/CoronavirusUS Thread Parent Link - mcsweeneys.net