Oh wise ones! Is this mycelium?

Some background into this unknown being. I noticed it three days ago. There has been no change since then.

Also does it hurt mycelium if I take the box out each day to see the progress? Or shine flash light on it twice everyday to inspect the contents within?

So this is one of the three tests plates I made. The first one was martyred against bacteria contam.

The second and third(this plate) are from the same spore batch. But there is no activity on the second plate and is also going to be tossed out as I can see a small pinkish/orange dot which is probably a bacteria colony.

The only difference on the third plate was the spores were deposited on a small paper piece by me and the paper was placed face down on the plate. That is the spore is between agar and paper film. Do you think this could have caused the spores to be hydrated faster as the paper will be moist?

/r/ContamFam Thread Link - i.redd.it