Infidelity. This time it's being advocated by a published and credentialed Feminist. Thoughts?

The video was posted by Milo Yiannopolous so I didn't want to include it.

I don't know what was given that was pseudoscience. Google. Cheating. Women. Reasons. Men. Etc. It's easy to see I'm not making shit up. Why is it that HuffPo can post an article with similar vagueness, but my post to Reddit has to read like a fucking MLA paper?

I don't know what was ambiguous about my basic question. Does sexual liberation have the potential to make infidelity more acceptable or not? I'm really super sorry I didn't do my google searches right. YES GIVE ME A MADE UP ANSWER BASED ON ...NOTHING! That's not hyperbole or added drama at all.

I'm going to hazard a guess from your posts (and many years working in musical theater) and say that you wouldn't fall under the hetero-normative ideas of dating. So why even comment? Just wanted to shut someone down? I know gay men who are reasonable when it comes to analyzing the issues of both sexes and I know faggots who sing in inappropriate situations and get off on loudly talking about sucking cock in groups.

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