On boundaries, transformations, and "this is what you want"

I didn’t want a Bonnie and Clyde season. I wanted Villanelle to heal from her past with Eve’s help. And I guess V is kind of doing that, but without Eve. And that hurts. It feels like she was betrayed again.

I don’t want the show to end like the books, with them going on a killing spree or whatever. Maybe I’m alone in that. I just want Eve to help V heal, to deal with her very traumatic past. I’m not sure she’s even a psychopath or has anti social personality disorder. She definitely has CPTSD, and maybe a personality disorder, but I don’t think that personality disorder necessarily is ASPD. She needs to heal, and let herself feel. Because I think she’s repressing all of her feelings of sadness and fear. It’s not that she doesn’t have them, she just doesn’t want to feel them.

And I guess this could actually happen later in this season. But the fact that Eve was acting so cold towards her in the beginning of the season really hurt. I felt betrayed by her. I guess it’s not healthy to identify with Villanelle to the point where Eve hurting her is hurting me, but I can’t help it. I’m trying to heal from my traumatic past and CPTSD and I want V to do the same. And I want someone to be there to help her do it because no one is helping me.

Note: I haven’t hurt anyone in my life. I just realised it could be interpreted that way. It’s just the CPTSD part I relate to.

/r/KillingEve Thread