Anyone else actually have a great advisor?

Bad advisor stories are so weird to me because mine has always been fantastic. Since a couple of their classes early on I was a fan, we're both religious history and the only ones in my uni. A big thing for me is also that I'm an Orthodox Jew, they're Jewish but not religious but also entirely understands and has never had any issues with my observance. They even went to bat for me when another prof tried to gig me for absences during the holiday season (that they were informed of in accordance with uni and syllabus requirements , of course I did all reading and work for).

Another big thing is that I've had to work throughout my grad school tenure, and they get it. Not a question, I have to put food on the table and pay bills, which requires more than the small stipend. Other professors have been utterly shocked that grad students may have other commitments to make grad school work. My department is trying to branch out more and I'm definitely in that 'branching out category' and so they also have gone to bat that my committee has more out-of-department people because its necessary for my project. I know if I have to extend out my PhD past my stipend period they'll back me knowing that I'm making progress but simply can't do full time (fingers crossed on a supplemental stipend for next year though).

So yeah, super glad that advisor is top notch, no question. With some personal stuff that mine has worked with me through, understanding my religious requirements, making great suggestions even though I'm far out of their era, etc.

/r/GradSchool Thread