On the topic of skill inheritance : why everyone is overreacting.

After taking a good night's sleep and all, I've feel like I've over exaggerated how bad SI was.

I'm not going to talk about the PvP side where end game means the best BST have the best combination of skills but the PvE side where you only need to pass some stat thresholds to complete the challenge maps.

In the short run, being able to make your favorite unit viable seems like an exciting prospect. Still, for a newer players who started from Awakening like me, I have nearly no connection between the older characters.

Before this update, I felt like there were times where each character could shine. For example, I don't think most people cared about Subaki until the Ursula fight.

It gave me an incentive to level other characters to 40 and it was fun seeing them do what many other heroes can't... And sometimes you get the satisfying feeling that "Hey, this unit is actually awesome" and sometimes I do go back on reading into that unit's history (yeah, I'm probably a minority here).

Now with SI, I feel like after I finish giving Ryoma all the skills he needs, I probably won't need to level another red lord. If a new character (that I don't know) comes with new OP skills, it's just a matter of slapping the skill on to Ryoma, done. Like, why would I go and invest another X hours to grind SP for the new character to get the same skills as the unit I already have. If IS plays BST power creep, that's probably going to go against people using their favorite characters.

I also made a few tanking unit for PvE purposes, and if you ever want a more balanced unit for certain maps, slap on some levels of LoD and now you have a more balanced unit. I don't think IS want's to go overboard and give challenges that only units with specific stats and skills can be able to overcome so I can probably cover PvE with a small number of units in my barracks.

So once you've invested in a few characters, there's very little incentives to level or invest in the others.

For me, it just felt like the end game I was seeing of having various units for various roles just shrank to having a few units to cover everything. (Of course, you could argue that I could still go for my first end game target but sometimes you feel like wasting time if you're just going to level another unit that does the same thing as what you already have).

I just hope IS gives me more reasons to level more different characters. Like, maybe a Hero Battle that you can't use inherited skills or something. I guess maybe the new event might require me to level a few characters, (I'm guessing its going to be something like a set of maps you have to complete with X amount of characters and if the character dies you can't use in again in that run).

I feel like there's some direction that IS is taking that will address these concerns and I'm worrying to much about it, but I don't think these concerns are without reason though given that current information we have.

/r/FireEmblemHeroes Thread