You are 60 times more likely to be killed by a coconut than a Pit bull.

He is doing a false equivalency!

People like him try to spew shit like "It is nurture that cause them to be aggressive!" totally ignoring their nature; chimpanzee and Pitbulls share the same reason why you can't have them as pet, they are naturally aggressive as hell.

I briefly came into possession of 2 baby Pitbulls for a friend of mine and my god were they aggressive, they kept biting (1 of them even cut into my skin) and pulling at my legs. It didn't matter how many times I tried to train them or discipline them, they remained aggressive.

When my friend took them back (no idea why he chose this breed, I told him he was an idiot!), he had to put them down few years later because guess what?! they attacked someone's dog.

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