Only active American news subreddit /r/news does not have an appeal process for permanent bans, which are handed out on whims of single mods who have no oversight

Anyone who thinks that all of Reddit is about is "fun" needs to understand that Pokemon and video game discussions are the new gladiator games or a distraction. Class warfare is real; societal and systemic racism and sexism are real; oppression and killings arereal; climate change and pollution are real; corruption and sexual abuse are real; narcissism and sociopathy are real; the CIA and the KGB are real; arms dealers and drug dealers re real; greed and poverty are real; censorship is real. Reddit should be a place where the oppressed and the weak can at least call the abuse of the oppressors and the powerful out. You do. Being critical is good, but a little introspection helps being a better critic.

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