Banned from r/fuckthealtright for fact checking

Not just him. One of them also mods /AgainstHateSubreddits and took offense to me calling ftar a hate sub (I had only made 2 comments). 4 days later he comments to me in response to one of them a variation of "I will ban you if you continue to harass about ftar in unrelated threads" about 2 dozen times. Naturally I responded to them. The last time he waited until I responded, and then edited his comment to say "if you respond I will ban you", and for the first time mod flaired his comment. 3 day ban. So of course I mod mail that with a screenshot since that same mod asked me to show a screenshot for proof. Mod mail response from him "you're a liar. I hate liars" ban changed to 7 days, reason "lying is bad", and muted.

/r/banned Thread Parent Link -