OP observes how Facebook's mobile app served him pest control ads immediately after he started a conversation about pest control (and not before), implying it is listening to him through the mic. Other Redditors share eerily similar experiences.

Disclaimer: I am prone to magical thinking, which causes me to constantly second guess myself when I think "things" are "off." (how many times can i think something, then have it happen, before i can stop writing it off as coincidence? cue: bohemian rhapsody)

Consequently, Facebook's NSAesque shenanigans have me in a squirrel like state of mind whenever I access the site. However, this one particular day blew my mind.

For a variety of reasons, I buy cheap cars off Craigslist from city dwellers who have HAD IT WITH HAVING A CAR IN THE CITY and are determined to use public transport and bikes to get around.

One day a couple of weeks ago I arrange to meet a guy in town. I know before going I'm gonna buy his car, so I head to wal-mart to get a cash advance using my debit card. The max cash advance is $1,000 and I need $1,100. The lady says, "go buy something cheap and get $100 over the amount."

At about 1 pm, I buy a Snickers bar for .67 cents and get $100 over the amount, leave Wal-Mart with my $1,100, get on the bus, head into the city, meet the guy, buy the car, put my tags on, meet a friend for a drink, go grocery shopping, head home.

It's after 9 pm at this point, I login to Facebook, "wonder what my niece is up to" etc, etc, start scrolling through my newsfeed "fuck donald trump" scroll scroll scroll....

When up POPs this HUGE Snicker bar ad. My mouth just hung open for a second...as the squirrel in my brain ran from one side of the road to the other. 8 hours passed between the snicker bar purchase and the Facebook login. And, I'd never seen a Snicker bar (or any candy ad for that matter) before (or since) then. But, it had to be coincidence right?

/r/bestof Thread Link - np.reddit.com