/u/sensorsondering explains why women are currently far more likely to initiate a divorce today

This is the big reason why I haven't gone for it already. Sure, I'm miserable as hell 168 hours a week, but if I were divorced and my husband had the kids for like, 48 hours, that's 48 hours that I wouldn't be entirely sure if they were being fed well or taken care of. I'd still be anxious anyway. Staying married, though, at least I do get a couple hours every week when he takes them to visit his grandma or on a bike ride, and I know my kids are ALWAYS taken care of in terms of being fed healthy foods, clean clothes, decent bedtime and a reasonable amount of screen time. Honestly, I pride myself on how attentive I am as a parent. My husband can be engaged and attentive too, when he spares the time to be.

But if we were divorced, I'm fairly certain he would just dump them off on his mom and grandma for most of the time, and an attentive, engaged parent for a couple hours a day, or until he's tired of their unending questions and demands.

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