/u/reckless_commente nails how sexual assault is accepted in the US, starting with a damning moment from the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings

In complete fairness to many of us who were on the site at that time it's well documented at this point how thousands, maybe millions of those accounts were run by Russia attempting to help Trump get elected and those specific talking points were pushed by those accounts. No one believed Trump could win. Trump didn't think Trump was going to win. It wasn't fathomable to many people. We all seem nieve in hindsight but no one believed it was going happen. Hillary wasn't just considered a sure thing, Hillary was basically the presumptive president from before she even formally announced her candidacy.

For the record, I did think Trump had a chance. The day he announced I called my mother about if we should consider fleeing the country in what my family now refers to as the "never doubt beyondintodarkness conversation" and I did vote for Hillary but you can't forget what was happening on Reddit at that time.

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