Opening scene to the Secret Broker(1800 words). Feedback appreciated.

Hey, I'm the guy who went through mostly adding minor grammatical/technical suggestions; things that came to mind.

First sentence: excellent, but could be better (in my opinion) by combining it with the second one. Those two sentences together lay a solid foundation for what's to come.

The bit on page 3 that goes "Cause of death..." sounds like dialogue, not like the narrative voice you've established. It's not game-breaking, but it is noticeable.

On the next page, "This complicated things. How much did they know?" can be safely omitted. This is patronizing to your reader; it implies you don't think they know how plot points work or which questions should be asked. You're not writing from the 1st person, so don't use narration like this. Questions in 3rd person narration are only good if they raise more questions (like how you go on to say "What about Rhory?" - that's A-OK)

I'm not sure if I like the narrator's consistent use of the word "Fuck" as a one-word sentence. It clashes with my understanding of 3rd person and dialogue. Up to you to keep it, but it's something that stalls me every time.

For your questions:

Are you hooked/would you read on?

I wouldn't say I'm hooked, but I would read on. My interest has at least been piqued, but it hasn't quite been captured.

Are any of the characters immediately turning you off?

I'm not a big fan of the oaf, Samson, but that's because his lack of intelligence seems to be his only character trait at this point. I'm sure he gets developed better later on.

Are the action scenes exciting?

Confusing is a more apt word. There wasn't enough detail for me to understand what was happening. It "happened too fast", so to speak. I'm not invested enough in these characters to be excited yet.

Did the energy die at any point? Would I be better off ending the scene earlier?

I wouldn't say that the energy died, and I think the scene ended in a fine spot. Both of those were solid.

Does the dialogue feel realistic?

Yes it does.

How effective is the imagery?

Effective enough, and consistently so.

And is anything super unclear?

Most of the unique terminology is unclear, but I expect it to be in the first chapter of a fantasy novel, so no major issues there.

Feel free to ask me to clarify anything I said that didn't make sense. Great work.

/r/fantasywriters Thread