The Original Fidget Spinner

Thank you for your advice. No doubt it would be helpful in most cases. Unfortunately, it won't work and here's why:

Even if you're not always doing anything, just be around. 1. I am always around, I mean when people are doing stuff, I'm usually right next to them and watching. They just ignore, and keep working be direct and involve yourself 2. I try to involve myself, but the mentors keep stopping me. Once, I touched a soldering iron (by the handle), and a senior started yelling at me. This other time, I was working on a lathe and following all safety protocols, and we were doing it because everyone had to learn how to use machinery. Some mentor just told me to f*** off. I know how to properly use a soldering iron and a lathe, why should they question my ability. talk during meetings 3. I always try to say something in robotics meetings, but everyone just ignores. This also happens basically everywhere else I go. ask if you can help with specific things 4. I already have tried this, as mentioned before, they say they don't have any work that needs to be done. But somehow work appears when someone else (usually a girl) asks for work. Ask to be taught how to do something (or if you can, learn to do it yourself.) 5. I don't think I can do this, I don't think the mentors will actually grant this request. I believe no one would given how bad the mentors are. As for learning to do it yourself, I think that's a great idea. I'll try that
summer. Maybe become a Sun certified Java developer, take some basic engineering classes at a local community college, etc. That's great advice. But, I think that those mentors will still find some reason to stop me. I'm going to give FIRST one last shot by trying to become a programmer for my team. I already know a little bit of Java, have worked in the Arduino IDE, and made a couple games in Unity 5 (used C#). I'd like to request your advice on how to reach the status of a robot programmer, if that would not be any trouble. *TL;DR As much as I appreciate your well thought-out advice, I do not think it can be effective. I also would like advice on how to become a robot programmer. *

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