This Party Cannot Be Saved: "When is it time to pull the plug? When is it time to give up? When is it time to realize that someone or something has done something so beyond the pale that you have to walk away?"

Jeb Bush is pro-globalization, pro-nafta, pro-tipp, pro-tpp, pro-H1B, pro-military interventions and pro-immigration He represents the powerful big business wing of the republican party. He was the favorite candidate of Billionaires and raised over $100 million dollars from the Oligarchy. Trump opposed Nafta, TPP, TIPP, globalization, immigration, and said he will protect social security and make other countries pay for american protection. Bush and the Republican Billionaires (Koch, Waltons) see Trump as a traitor. Democrats who might be tempted to laugh about this should check themselves. If democrats like Hillary Clinton don't look at what just happened to the Republicans as a terrible object lesson in the perils of prioritizing the billionaire donors over working class voters, then they too will soon enough be tossed in the trash. It almost happened this year, when the supporters of Bernie Sanders nearly made it over the wall. The democrats survived this time, but Republicans allowed the american people to see the numerical weakness of both parties. It's one man one vote. A few hundred big donors and corporate lobbyists with their pile of money in a room can't beat millions of united people.

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