Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter: "CONFIRMED: Germany axe attacker was an "unaccompanied refugee"."

I am a German-American who was born 60 miles away from Wurzburg where the attack occurred. This attack really scares people there in Germany since trains are a massive commuter route between Wurzburg, Bamberg, and Nuremburg. I spent two months in Bamberg where there was a plot foiled where some right wing groups had built bombs to destroy a shelter and kill those inside. It's been very tense in the region with a lot of animosity on both sides.

I would like to ask those of you who have not been to Germany to refrain from making generalizations because the media in America does not accurately portrait the feeling in Germany. Most people's reactions right now are shock at the gruesome horror of an axe attack, but also recognizing that there are thousands of refugees in camps here with nothing to their name who are just trying to avoid violence. They are not to blame for this attack. We don't know his motives, but whatever they were, he was an animal who deserves nothing, but those who are in Germany who seek peace, please don't blame them.

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