Paul Sztorc reviews Craigh Wright's Segwit paper - epic twitter moment

This M is a constant when applied to bitcoin no?

M = 0.04, 4% inflation in BTC supply. So dP = 0.96dV? I saw that in the paper anyways.

Also what is the issue with the Y in P = MV/Y, what's Paul's point about it changing over time? There is a citation in the paper (the first) regarding the Y. Craig asserts that with fiat and increase in value decreases it's velocity and uses data from the dollar from 1980-2010 to show that. Craig I think is saying that in btc, this is NOT the case. Unlike USD, Craig asserts that if moar people usa da bitcoin then price will go up.... maybe.

ehhh Anyways I can't say I'm defending this paper. He makes points about USD vs. BTC, then tries to point to the disappearing signature data as a loss of value in btc, this is what he's talking about when he says Segwit "reduced throughput by 62.5%" I think. Well I've been there myself so I get it, but no tx. data really disappears just whose' reading what changes.

Saturday night turnt bitcoin-debate amiright?!?!?

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