PC wars rule young-adult publishing as fewer kids learn to love to read

All I care about is that buttocks are kicked and that the protagonist eventually becomes godly powerful in terms of their magic or combat skill. Call me shallow, but I like and live for the over the top, overpowered and badass. OP badassery also happens to trancend lines of race, gender, sexuality etc..so I really don't care if it's a straight white male or homosexual female of color blowing up the planet, as long as they are actually doing badass OP things like blowing up planets.

A story being entertaining and good for me, and I'm sure a lot of people (even if their wants are nowhere near as shallow as mine), has nothing to do with what race, gender, sexuality etc..the characters are. However, at the same time, those things do matter for others. So if people like me could care less about those things, why not let the people who do have their stories since we could care less about details like that?

If you complain about such things, and you claim to not care, then why are you complaining? it's not like publishers are not also publishing things with white cis male protagonists. Now if the where actively shutting out white, male, straight and/or cisgendered voices, I would take some offense...but they are not. In fact, white male authors still are largely doing better than their female counterparts. So if there is no discrimination going on, and you say that the race of characters does not matter..why the hell is this even a debate? I am far from an ally of the PC culture, and I do see it as an issue, but if your really about equal representation and free speech what offense is there to take to the current YA culture when they are not shutting anybody out but merely opening up the doors to voices that have traditionally been shut out? If anything, diverse books are helping free other voices to speak. As long as publishers don't discriminate against white, male, straight and ciscendered voices (which if you didn't know, they aren't) then excuse my language but why do you give a shit that they are letting other voices into the conversation unless it actually is about race, gender or sexuality?

As I said. I am a loud, obnoxious, straight white male, who has no love for tumblr crusaders and PC culture. However, I also have no love for bigots who don't want to let those different from them excersise the same free speech they claim to be for. If race, sexuality and gender really don't matter then that's a two way street...if you say that non-white people can still enjoy and connect with stories about white people, then likewise you should be able to connect with stories about non-white people as a white person just fine.

And if you don't? There are plenty of books for you. Publishers are doing anything but shouting out and censoring white, male, straight and cisgendefes voices. So go read those books, and respect your fellow hunan's rights enough to let them have their books too. Free speech goes both ways.

/end rant

(btw I'm sorry for my ranting, but if there is one thing that gets me fired up it's somebody who hides bigotry behind the pretense of being against biggotry.)

/r/YAwriters Thread Link - nypost.com