People seem to think putting dog poo in a plastic bag and hanging it from a tree is better than just having left it on the ground...

When I say the attitude seems to be "it's not my problem, someone else will deal with it" I'm not claiming that people who litter have necessarily ever consciously had this thought (although some definitely have, and will protest that it's someone else's responsibility when called out). I'm saying it is a subconscious belief and assumption on their part. Which, for all your attempts to argue with me, you seem to agree with this, since you've spent several paragraphs there explaining possible reasons why they hold that subconscious belief (their "default"), such as never having been taught any better.

btw the fact that it's their "default" doesn't make it any less entitled. Actions don't have to be consciously, deliberately done in order to be entitled.

There's a lot more about your post that I could pick at but it seems a lot of your comment stems from you misunderstanding what I meant, and I hope that my first paragraph clarifies that. It honestly seems to me that we agree about a lot of this and were simply expressing it in ways that the other couldn't understand. We're both in agreement that people often just don't think to bin their litter properly. You were focused on infrastructure reasons that may hypothetically have led to that behaviour becoming prevalent, via the intermediate step of causing an apathetic mentality towards dealing with litter. I was mainly expressing my opinion on the behaviour, and focusing on the apathetic mentality that causes the behaviour which, it seemed at first, you were not acknowledging.

Neither of us is wrong, we're just talking about different aspects of the same problem.

However, I am going to call you out on your holier-than-thou attitude and unnecessary insults. There are plenty of ways to express disagreement without attempting to belittle the other person, and without being a massive hypocrite.

You berated me for making incorrect assumptions about how other people think, based on incorrect assumptions you made about how I think. You accused me of "moralising and not offering real solutions" - as if I'm required to offer solutions just because I'm sharing an opinion, or as if I was remotely suggesting that my opinion is in itself a solution - while you yourself unhelpfully moralised about the things you wrongly inferred from my statements, and also didn't offer any solutions that I can see. You've done as much as I have - speculated on possible reasons why some people act the way they do - so you have no basis for criticising me, least of all with a post so dripping with condescension.

So, while I do sincerely think we more or less agree, I've found you to be thoroughly unpleasant to talk to and I won't be reading or responding to any more of your replies. I'm going to bow out of the conversation here. I hope your week is as pleasant as you are.

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