Having a degree, a masters, volunteered/worked consistently throughout my studies and still getting rejected by entery level (19k starting salary) jobs. This is the norm for graduates but its still gutting.

Welcome to the world. We are led to believe that the way to be successful is to do the whole school. College. Uni. Masters. Career. But all you are doing is providing workers for corporations and sectors. Fuck that. Make your own destiny.

carve out your own niche. It is easier than you think, and far easier than gaining your great intellectual achievements. Look at all the experience you have gained and put it to use. Not just the subject you learned but the secondary things, your diligence, focus and ability to learn. These skills are far more important than a subject matter. Don’t stand in line in a crowded market hoping someone gives you a big break for 19k. That relies on others. Instead get up. Be proud of yourself for your achievements. Dust yourself off and go Find your passion. Make a it a business. And do it. And Do it and do it and do it. If you fail. Dust yourself off. Stand up. And try something else. Every time you will learn something. And eventually you will do something that works. And you can say. I didn’t stand in line. I did it myself.

/r/britishproblems Thread