The Perfect "Percolating" Gravity Bong

Interesting read, but your assertion that a middle aged human who doesn't smoke would have a much stronger immune system than someone in their early twenties who does is pretty flawed imo. Notwithstanding the fact that there's evidence that cannabis may boost your immune system.

You first start of by stating that I asserted some comparison you created yourself.

Either your reading comprehension skills are almost non-existent, or you're just not the sharpest tool in the shed..

You then go on to suggest there's evidence to support Cannabis boosting your immune system, and then don't provide it.

I'm on mobile so I can't find sources for you at the moment.

I'll be waiting.

But I don't think it's very fair that you're asking me to find sources when you yourself have provided none for your claims.

There's an important distinction that needs to be made here.

You referenced something as "evidence", and provided none of it.

I paraphrased commonly understood facts, that anyone with a computer can find readily available through a Google search.

If you really want me to find some sources for you, I will. What exactly do you want to know?

You're the one speaking of a study in a medical journal, I am not.

Something tells me you've never actually read through this study, you've just seen it mentioned before and used it to bolster your argument. Hopefully I'm proven wrong in that regard.

Seeing as how your "intended demographic" is r/trees, I really don't see how my comparison is flawed.

At least you managed to contradict what you previously said, and took ownership of your own comparison.

Reading through your post history, and I'm not even sure why I've indulged your stupidity this far. Feel free to reply with some sources, but anything beyond that will be ignored.

Please stop posting on /r/trees if you're just looking to hear yourself talk. People like you give intelligent smokers a bad rep.

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