Without naming names, what does "that person" on your server/guild do?

Oh, it's not the commanders from WvW, but some players who just follow them, they usually don't even have a commander tag either and they come to preach in PvE about what a fucking retards PvE commanders are.

Yeah, I've been called "retarded" a couple of times by one of these people in Silverwastes, once when I was commanding copper Husk and I was telling the -actual- strategy for the Husk and was calling me out in map chat that I'm retarded and I don't know shit about commanding and told me "go to WvW and maybe you will learn how to command properly :)", so yeah there are definitely these kind of people around and I can't stand them, especially because they thing WvW commanding is the MOST SUPERIOR COMMANDING ON THE WHOLE PLANET! I know a serious WvW stuff is hard to lead and stuff, I don't WvW personally due to anxiety problems, but PvE commanding and WvW commanding is two different thing.

The best was once when the same type of player came to Husk again in SW when I was commanding it once again and basically just stormed into the boss' room and told me off that "fucking idiot, no aoe" then I quickly told him in /say what the boss does and what you have to do to do it well and was just kept saying "Don't listen to this idiot commi, he knows shit, don't aoe and we got this". Then I proceed to tell him I'm doing this damn map for over 2+ months now and I know what to do, THEN this guy gets the aggro of the boss and leads it away and into the bubbles and heals the Husk up from around 10%hp to constantly 20-25%hp due to the bubbles and the we failed that one boss. Then he proceeds to call me out in map chat that "fucking retarded commander failed red, don't know shit, report him :)" and after that tells me to go to WvW to learn how to command things. I don't know but they seem to use this ":)" trademark or something, I swear.


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