Is Phase 4 Brainiac spam a new thing? 20seconds of hell, controls going on vacation till right before he ults/ends match.

Well it's not a consistent thing. Have I waste money here and there, of course, as have other players. But I do ask if it's worth it before doing so. If I decide to buy it, I wait till a specific deal comes back around. I'm patient enough to wait cause not everything is like Injustice 1 WW600. I can tell you everything I've bought.

1.I did both the $5 daily gems a total of 4 times and $20 daily twice at the start of the game (Really used to think they were scams -my bad). Left the game after the first year due to work and Paragon was my main focus. Played off and on for a few months over the 3rd and 4th year passively (daily rewards), but didn't officially come back till last October. Total=$60 2. I came back after hearing about the community on Reddit and reading that Raven was added (yes she is my favorite character) I took the time to relearn the controls and I focused on daily rewards and knocked out the campain. Unfortunately I didn't know anything about how to get her which is why I only thing I've bought is Raven at 3stars $50. Then I fucked up by buying her gear (I knew it was necessary for upgrades, unfortunately bought the lvl 30 instead of the lvl 10 since the lvl10 didnt show up at that time). $30. Since then I do the offers and get her shards from certain chests on deals. Total=$80. 3. I bought the $10 Injustice pass a few times (CWW & EST). $20 Total=$20

In all, I've spent $160. I only regret buying the daily gem packs, I made the wrong gear purchase/in general after discovering power up chests, how naive I was about the offers when the game started, and not doing BWD's pass. I was impatient on Raven, and occasionally wish I would've got her with gems, but not a regreted decision. I don't spend a ton on the game as you'd think compared to others. I think the $60 spent on Daily gems over 4months when I first started has been my worst decision so far.

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