Please describe your symptoms

I'm not diagnosed, but I recently watched my mom pass from dementia and two decades earlier watched her dad go through the same so for the last year or so dementia, along with CTEs (I've had three documented concussions and who knows how many more from football) has been on my mind (no pun intended) for a while. Until last night when talking to my daughter who has had issues with DPDR for years and came to the conclusion I may need to get an evaluation.

My issues are:

  • Memory completely fucked - I'm not saying I'm scatterbrained and not remembering to do something. I'm talking about events that I have absolutely no recollection of after it happened. Example is I went to get the letter out of the car to get my tags/inspection done and noticed that not only had I already bought them, but I already put them on the windshield.
  • Being pushed out of my head - I have this constant "psionic pressure" in my mind that I don't feel in my physical head, but in my mind. It's around the junction of the occipital lobe and cerebellum and the sensation is that it's trying to push me forward into the temporal lobe
  • My mind is spatially a few inches away from where my body is
  • Bouts of falling
  • I've lost the ability to sight read and can no longer speed read. I have to focus on each word specifically and even then there's times I have to read the sentence over and over before it "sticks"
  • Depression without the downside - Not really sure how to explain this one. I'm seeing physical manifestations of depression like sleep and eating pattern disturbance, but it's "not in my head." That is, I don't give a fuck. I notice it. I acknowledge it. But I don't get the sadness and listlessness that comes with depression.
  • I'm an Asshole - I just can't seem to suffer bullshit like I used to and seem to get irritated at simple things like the phone ringing.
/r/Depersonalization Thread