r/JRPG Weekly "What have you been playing, and what do you think of it?"

It was absolutely rushed. And I'm not shitting on it - I'm just repeating what the devs said.

They wanted to have more in it like Hayataro being rideable, more inclusion of a certain err 'star', more character development (I suppose you don't need the devs to state this) and I believe more usage of the tokyo overworld.

Now this is purely speculation, but some players also surmised we would get broader insight to the other bethel branches too (though this was not confirmed by any interview I saw). It would fit the SMT MO though. Even if we couldn't 'choose' the other branches, previous smt games do make an effort to explore their philosophies. Then again, this game already was struggling to explore to philosophies it does have.

And because this is reddit, I have to lay it out: I also finished it, including 'true' neutral with the optionals. Gameplay wise, absolutely amazing. Story wise, absolutely terrible. Some of the characters in pokemon ORAS were better developed. And I wish I was kidding.

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