Please happen

Yknow, in most adaptions of Spiderman - especially tbe live action films - Peter is a teenager, right? Like full on, high schooler teenager whose brain isn't finished developing. The whole endearing part of Spiderman is that he was just a normal kid who ended up with these superhuman powers.

The Raimi trilogy is great, don't get me wrong, but Tobey does play a very meek wimpy Peter Parker, which works but he never really grows out of it even as we see him grow into adulthood.

Andrew Garfield lacked that meeker quality, he's way too arrogant and a huge asshole, he acts more like Raimi's Flash Thompson rather than Peter Parker.

Tom Holland's Peter is by far the best since Tobey and it's literally because he nails his performance as a nerdy, meek, high school nerd. He's not tall and supermodel handsome like Garfield and he'll hopefully become a more confident adult Peter unlike Tobey.

But yes, that means he says and does dumb, "quirky" shit a lot. He's a kid. That's Peter Parker.

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