Please post any offers of availability for Heists at r/HeistTeams/ not here.

No you are right, I should have unsubbed long ago, I was choosing to remain in a super toxic community and thats on me...

I also love how if I had been banned/muted on here, and made a new account and messaged the mods, they would have reported me to the overall Reddit Admins in a HEARTBEAT and got my IP banned or whatever from the whole site, but for mods its cool to ban/block/mute evade...if you wanted to address my comment, thats fine, but bringing PMs into the mix and tagging me for all to see was not appreciated. I already unsubbed and this will be my last post here, I deleted my other comments. All I ask is that you remove my username from your comment ( easily replaced with "a user said this", "the deleted comments referred to" whatever) I just dont want the trolls on here to follow my username around and harass me which has already happened on an astounding number of occasions, spam messages sent to me referring to this sub, something they saw I posted, people going through my comments and downvoting them all blindly etc....I will delete this comment shortly as well, just asking that you remove my name from your comment so I dont receive any further spam from people who see this.

Finally, my original comment about the questionable behavior I witnessed was not the explanation of why downvotes cannot be disabled, as a reasonable person, I understood that was beyond your control, it was the condescending tone of some of the replies I got (dont remember who it was) and excessive reaction to calling someone a "troll" that I was referring to as questionable. So this entire comment is very misleading, suggesting my comment was born of the inability to disable downvoting, when in reality, it was very much the rudeness I had experienced that I was referring to. I cant say who it was, because I guess I mass-blocked a bunch of people....but I felt it was important to clarify that the bulk of your comment, exposing PMs and such, was not in any way related to what I was referring to originally here. I had also seen many comments on here saying "mods, if there are any..." etc which verified what I had seen in regards to no mod activity, which could be due to blocking, but since others were saying what I saw it lead me to believe it was not just my opinion, so thats where the inactivity comment came from. Seems like very much a misunderstanding and I would just very much appreciate if you removed my name from the comment so I may depart in peace without any additional PM spam from trolls on here, I try to block those people but more always seem to pop up, and this comment will certainly not help that situation. Thanks

/r/gtaonline Thread Parent