Weekly /r/XboxOneGamers Discussion - What have you been playing, and what do you think of it?

Currently, Xbox has nothing new to offer so, I played the shit out of Ghost of Tsushima. I loved ever second of it and it's the first game in a long time that has seriously held my attention. I never forgot what was going on, gameplay is fairly solid, I didn't run into many glitches at all, and the game is gorgeous! When I flip back to Xbox, it's mostly Destiny 2 and Forza for me. Microsoft really needs better first party titles. I'm tired of Halo, Crackdown 3 wasn't that great, the new Gears was awesome though, imo. I think the best first party games on Xbox are probably State of Decay 2 and Forza Horizon 4. Forza 7 is fun too and, you can play splitscreen.

/r/XboxOneGamers Thread