Plotting next to each other? (par(mfrow = c(,))

Hi, thank you for your help! I think you are right, but I want to try to have 2x16 anyway, at least for now.

Regarding ggarrange, I have change the code, I think I am really close, but there is something wrong. I am not quite sure what it is.

for(id in unique(seq_order$halt_id_von)){

myplot = dataset %>%

filter(halt_id_von==id) %>%

mutate(delay = ist_ab_von - soll_ab_von) %>%

select(delay, halt_id_von, richtung, seq_von, datum_von) %>%

group_by(datum_von, halt_id_von, richtung, seq_von) %>%

arrange(seq_von, datum_von) %>%

ggplot(aes(x=delay, colour=factor(richtung))) + geom_density() +

ggtitle(paste("stop",id)) +

labs(colour = "Direction") +

xlim(-150, 500) +


plots[id] <- myplot



But that doesn't give me out anything at all.

/r/Rlanguage Thread Parent