Multilingual Redditors, What is your "They didn't realize I spoke their language" story?

Late to the party but here goes.

A couple of friends and I were visiting my boyfriend (now husband) in Germany during the summer after college when he had been abroad in America. Our first night there, we went out to a restaurant in Munich.

Now I'm guessing the waiter assumed we were all American due to us all speaking English rather excitedly as we had just met up at the airport. He gave us all menus in English. My husband asked if he could have a German menu when he ordered us drinks.

About 10 minutes later when my husband is giving us suggestions about what to try, we realize our menus are completely different. There are about half the amount of items on our English menus than his German one and everything is proceed about 3-5€ more on ours.

The waiter told my husband his English was not very good and requested that he order for all of us in German. So that's what we did, but my husband said he'd prefer all of the food to come off of the German menu as that seemed like the better deal of the night. The guy was quite embarrassed.

We still are not sure if he knew his mistake when he gave out the extra menu in German or if, as a waiter and not the owner, he maybe didn't know the little trick they were playing. Either way, the rest of our meal was pleasant. We made sure to compare menus at each place we went to after that.

/r/AskReddit Thread