The last remaining Blockbuster near me has finally closed. Good night, Sweet Prince.

Blockbuster is a fantastic example of a company that didn't see the writing on the wall.

Back when Netflix was new and still mailing out discs, Blockbuster had the opportunity to buy that company for a reasonable price. But Blockbuster didn't see Netflix as legitimate competition and turned down the offer.

Blockbuster eventually started offering mail-in rentals similar to Netflix... But Netflix was the de-facto standard by then, so Blockbuster was fighting up-hill just to get their foot in the door.

And then they were still saddled with all of their pre-Netflix baggage... Blockbuster had all of those brick & mortar stores, and all those employees, that they had to pay for. That's a lot of overhead that Netflix didn't have to worry about. And most of Blockbuster's profits came not from actually renting movies but from late fees.

Between RedBox and Netflix - nobody wanted or needed to go to Blockbuster any more.

These days Blockbuster is straight-up dead here in the US. There's a handful of Blockbuster stores still operational... But that's it.

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