Me [29F] with my husband [30 M] duration 6 years together, married for 2, I want to give back to the community he prefers to buy another car.

believes that people on the street are there cause of their own fault,

Really? Your husband seems to be extremely ignorant. This would be such a no go in my eyes.

Finally this year he said he refuses to "waste our money" and "support laziness".

Well, it's your money and you can both decide on what you want to spend it. This is his choice.

Can anyone think of a compromise here?

What kind of compromise? You have fundamentally different attitudes towards money, poverty etc. Time to sit him down and ask him if he has any idea what he's talking about. Yes, there are people using the system, but most people in there aren't at fault. In the end this all comes down to a lack of education and opportunities.

What is your husband interested in? Does he care about children? Does he have nieces/nephews or so? Maybe you should start pointing out how their life would differ if they grew up in a low-income environment, couldn't finish high school because they had to care for family etc.

As the other person has said, maybe try focusing on one charity/cause and choose that one together. And let your husband talk to the people working for that charity.

/r/relationships Thread