Police officer gets pinned down by shooter. TN

Serious question, not trying to demean: have you fired a handgun before? It is unbelievable to new shooters how deep of an angle is added to the trajectory by the tiniest of adjustments to something as simple as feet position. You can aim down the sight, shrug, fire the gun, and your bullet will go at am angle you’d only expect if you were standing sideways. I’m really in awe when I see some of the perfect shots in the videos on this sub, like that motorcycle cop on the grassy hill by the highway who plinked a running, reloading gunman right in the back of the head like it was a frisbee toss. The idea from movies of “point the gun at what you want to hit” is why videos exist of untrained perps shooting 5 bullets at a cop from 5 feet away and the cop getting 1 round in the forearm.

My point is, laying on one’s side and aiming like Han Solo for ankles under a car door might hit the car door if it doesn’t just go into the sky. Angling the wrist (especially if only one wrist like the ‘sideways Glock’ crowd) is saying goodbye to your aim, because outside of the regular shooting position you have nothing but looking at your wrist to guess what its angle + the angle the barrel + your arm against the earth which introduces another angle, etc. Highly trained shooters in a controlled environment could hit anything they aim for, but turning your whole body sideways against gravity to prioritize opportunity over practice is gonna render the average shooter immobile, exposed and unable to estimate aim.

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