A big thanks to Chris for changing his mind

+1 !

I know for some people it sounds stupid/silly when someone like CR changes his mind (because crap, he just shouldn't have been wrong in the first place, right?! /s) ..but this passion from all of us, the motivation from CIG to try new format, and CR "being him" (quote) always trying to make it bigger and better, and the fact they ARE listening and sharing with us (even when pitchforking) ..

...at the end of the day, I am happy where it all goes, and to be a part of the journey :-) Cheers to all the people I talk with on reddit, and if dev' are reading : We love the project.. sorry if sometimes there are some snowball effects ;) You aren't perfect. We aren't neither ! But we are all heading on the same direction :)

/r/starcitizen Thread