Port (No not that Port)

"So, what do you zhink I should do?" Valerie sits across from Ambrose, a chess-table set up in between them. Both are down to three pawns, a knight and their king. Ambrose scratches the side of his mouth as he ponders his next move.

"I suppose th'only thing you can do is trust Kyohi." He says as he inches his pawn forward, putting Val's black king in check.

"I do trust Kyohi, but zhese people... 'ow can I trust paramilitaries? Eet iz worse zhan trusting someone from ze Fang." She moves her king back one spot.

"I dunno..." Ambrose shakes his head. "I already told m'Dad about this mess, let'im know that foreign agents are active in Vale when Kyohi told me about her 'connections' a while back. The Counsel ain't gonna be happy about this when they hear..." He moves his knight to take out one of her pawns.

"Who cares if zhey are 'appee? Ze fact does not change zhat Vale 'as been infiltrated. And Atlas, saying I should 'trust Kyohi'." Val removes his knight with another pawn.

"We can't be hasty 'bout this. These people seem peaceful, no need t'kick a hornet's nest." Ambrose moves.

Val quickly counters. "Zhey seem peaceful? Zhey send an entire legion of people into your citee, and you still zhink zhat zhey are peaceful!?"

"I think-" Ambrose moves yet again. "That we need t'be tactful about this. Brute force in th'face of uncertainty'll only cause problems. Don't send in th'standard bearer b'fore you call back th'scouts."

Ambrose smirks as he points at the surrounded King. "Checkmate, by th'way."

Valerie groans and stands up from the table. "You better be right about zhis Provost."

"I've got no reason t'be wrong Corporal." Ambrose says as he stands up himself, placing the pieces back in place for their respective sides. "Bein' inactive is a death sentence, but throwin' caution t'th'wind... well you're just shootin' yourself at that point."

Ambrose yawns as he stretches and looks at the harbor. "Come on, I gotta stop by m'house b'fore I head back home."

/r/rwbyRP Thread