What made your break up so painful?

Total investment. Haven't really had a serious relationship since my ex wife and I divorced 7 years ago. Got married while I was in the army and it worked on a rotational visitation relationship. Be with her a year, be deployed for a year, etc. In those days, we worked hard, and partied harder, and I definitely was a selfish bastard when it came to satisfying my wants. I was toxic for her, and myself at that time, and I give her credit for sticking around longer than I would have in her position.

With that summarized back story, I'll touch on the total investment portion. What I mean is, I'm a bit of an introvert and I get exhausted socializing with people (unless the drink was there to lubricate the bearings), and with her I had gotten ok with prolonged interaction, even to the point to say I was content. So that was kind if a big deal to me as an emotional investment. Also, she had large student loan debts and managed to pay off quite a bit while we were together, so there's the financial investment. I know that'll be read as I was used or maybe not, just a perspective thing. The final investment lost was my damn dog. She took the dog and that was like my last companion in a state 2,000 miles away from home. My contract was up, and my unit deployed to Afghanistan, I didn't want to reenlist so I had to wait 3 months in Texas with rear detachment until I got out, so.. was alone.

Can't say I truly loved the gal, was more of a convenience of circumstances that developed into an unavoidable collision course, but it hinders future potential relationships because it makes my question if I really want to go thru any of that potential bullshit again, or if I prefer the solitude.

  • P.S. I don't drink anymore; been sober for 2 years now. That was certainly my largest hindrance.
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