Post-Hoc Test Fisher's 3x2

Thank you so much for this reply, this is very useful! My research question addresses A, so you're suggesting running 2x2 Fisher's for High vs Non-high, Medium vs Non-Medium and Low vs Non-Low with p value at 5/3 to adjust for multiple corrections?

Another thought I had was to use 2x2 Chi Square Contingency Tables as post hoc and adjust for multiple comparisons - as my statistics textbook said that ">20% of cells had expected count less than 5" assumption was only if total n is less than 40 (the 2x2 Chi-Square would n = 140). I was also thinking that the observed and expected counts would further provide useful information about the direction of the trend. Do you think that Fisher's 3x2 followed by 2x2 Chi-Square Post-Hoc would be acceptable?

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