AITA for wanting my mum there when I give birth?

My husband was absolutely amazing too! When I told him I was in labour he teared thinking I would be in pain, and was so worried throughout the whole thing, kept asking if I was comfortable and if I wanted anything, Though I was absolutely fine, chilling in the tub sipping mango juice between contractions/pushing. Bless him of course. My team were amazing and he didn’t really have to stand up for me or advocate for me but I know he would have if it had been necessary. I remember I went to an apt with a different doctor before I found my obgyn and he was being rough and ignoring me asking him to stop, and my husband yelled at him to stop now. But the things I’ve read and heard from other women I definitely agree many guys really need to step up and advocate for their partner.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent