Pro American/Saudi in the Yemen war

So I asked, and my Yemeni buddies are as follows:

3 Sunni. 1 Zaydi Shi'a. 1 at this point completely aetheist, but grew up Zaydi. None of them particular fans of the Saudi-UAE-US alliance, and only one - the guy I sponsored to come to the US with his family - openly hostile to the Houthis (and that's because they killed a bunch of our mutual friends and acquaintances during their takeover of Sana'a).

I think my understanding of the situation is better than you imagine. I know the Houthis are Yemeni, and I know their sect was for quite a long time in control of much of Yemen. Zaydi Imamates were common and largely peaceful - hell, I think the latter part of the Rasulid dynasty was Zaidi and that's pretty much a golden age for Yemen.

I also know that Iran's influence is a) overstated and b) not outright evil.

I also know that the UAE is annexing Yemeni territory, that Saudi and its allies control the government in exile, and that ultimately all of this is going to pale in comparison to the long-standing and worsening water crisis.

My point here is that your assumptions about me are off, and they might be off about others as well. And that detracts from the more substantive stuff you might want to say, which is a shame, because based on your comment history it seems like you have a lot of substantive stuff to say.

/r/Yemen Thread Parent