[PS4] [Discussion] dont be an ass

first thing first i want to clarify that i didnt call u a hypocrite, i was refering to string king commenting "not talking to u,OP" while he commented on someone's comment while that person wasnt talking to him. i can understand why u thought i was talking about you because i phrased it poorly. this is because i Always use the word "u" when talking about someone else. the purpose of my last comment was not to insult you and if it did insult u i apologise for it. However i did say passive-aggresive things to string king and i downvoted him because i found his comment and responses to be rude, i still stand by the things i said to him.

no im not a hypocrite for just commenting smiley's on someone's comments and at the same time have arguments with people. it all has do to with the situation. for example when someone makes a joke u dont have post an argument why u disagree with that joke but you laugh, and when someone posts a discussion u dont laugh or posts smiley faces but u argue with that person.

yes im still young but probabely not as young as u think, my bad grammar and writing is caused by the fact that im not from an english speaking country and i only learn english 2 hours a week in school. its a lot harder to speak fluent english when u dont speak and write it 24/7.

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